Hydrogen and Oxygen Tanks no longer lose all fuel upon being damaged below the red line, instead they slowly leak fuel.Hydrogen and Oxygen Tanks explode and deal damage based on the amount of fuel left inside of them during the time of their destruction.The explosion is based on the amount and type of munitions that were inside the inventory Any block that contains ammunition of any type will explode when destroyed by taking damage.Large caliber shell physics shells and Railgun sabots are capable of penetrating several layers of armor.Projectile Drop Gravity impacts projectiles, Railgun sabots and shells trajectory. Gravity Generators do not have any effect.Custom Turret Controller block for subgrid turrets.Assault Cannon Turret (small and large grid).“Building and creativity” remains the center of the Space Engineers universe. With this update, we are introducing a series of quality of life improvements as well as entirely new mechanics. While war is the theme, we mustn’t forget that this is Space Engineers.

Defending against pirates, boarding a freighter, having a tank battle on a moon or a breakneck dogfight through the canyons of Pertram, - we believe this update will change the way you play.

The goal of Warfare 2: Broadside is to bring you more fun and engagement with Space Engineers, both on planets and in space. Your creations, machinations, mods, stories and visions of the world of Space Engineers helped guide our efforts and deliver one of our biggest updates ever! We are continually inspired by our incredible community and so we have created this vision of war based on community feedback. Warfare 2: Broadside expands and improves vehicle combat in Space Engineers. The time has come! The team has been working hard on this update and today, we delivered new blocks, enhanced gameplay mechanics, and a reimagining of warfare in Space Engineers!